Nice alley
I still think there is a lot of good outdoor space in this alley that could be used for other than
putting trashcans and to be used as a public restroom.
I would (if I could) move all these trashcans to the alley across the street by Fallas Paredes
and make good use of this alley. Put new pavement, stained concrete or even red brick.
Put some benches where you could sit and read, hang out or just have a nice clean alley to walk through (see not asking much!) Pushing the idea a bit further, this wonderful, light filled space could sometimes be used as an outdoor market where there would be people selling vinyl records, used books, crafts, and some other stuff.
It could even be used as a patio or outdoor cafe where even The Percolator could use the backdoor and serve coffee outside. There is already a Chinese restaurant that has a backdoor to the alley and the House of Pizza which is around the corner could even have a small portable thing to keeps pizzas hot and sell slices of pizza.
Since we cannot use the sidewalks to put tables and chairs lets go out the backdoor and use the alleys.

Some pictures of alleyways to help you visualize the idea.

Ok, this is dreaming a bit too much!

Taking the idea a bit further and putting a transparent roof,
still dreaming...!

Walking through a nice alleyway.

You could even put a nice FENCE at the entrance to the alley and close it at night
to keep the tables and chairs outside.
September 24, 2011


  1. I like the alley with red brick in front of Cafe Central. I just think why can we have another one like that but put it to good use. I constantly see women with high heels going through the alley in the picture and they can hardly walk because of holes and uneven pavement...not to mention the odors that sometimes come all the way out to Texas street. I know it will be a slow process to beautify downtown but this is the only alley downtown that is in very bad shape and is right on the heart of downtown. The alley in between The Cortez and the the post office is nice and clean and has nice walkable pavement, the alley by the old Union Fashion building is also nice and clean but since it does not go through this would be the perfect spot to put the trashcans...maybe even put a chain link fence at the entrance to that alley ( beautiful iron fence would be better) to keep it from becoming a public restroom.
    The tenants that use this trashcans would have a key to the lock.

  2. Carlos, el problema es que las fotos de abajo no son callejones, son calles antiguas (con excepción de la del techo de vidrio que es una construcción moderna y claramente planeada con anticipación).

    Para transformar un callejón como el que muestras en la primera foto, tendrían que hacerle puertas y ventanas a las partes traseras de los edificios, ya que no se diseñaron para transito peatonal. Y esto es por que la gente que diseña ciudades son políticos ignorantes, no arquitectos o planeadores urbanos profesionales.

    Por cierto, ve la película "Urbanized" que es nueva. Espero que llegue pronto a El Paso. Saludos!
